Thursday, November 8, 2018


Purposes of Practicums

The purpose of this teaching program is to provide opportunities for students as a future teachers to improve their teaching (pedagogical) skills, how to manage the classroom, handle the students, and learn new cultures from other countries. Another purposes of this program is to prepare better teachers in the future who are able to compete in a global world, with better quality in attitude and intellectual.

Procedures of Practicums

The first thing that we have to do is following several orientation, start from campus orientation and then followed by the school orientation. After that, we got a classroom observations, doing an assistanship work, creates a lesson plan and then conducting independent teaching, following grand teaching demonstration and giving feedback or input suggestions.

Outcomes of Practicums

The student teacher gets the knowledge and experience of being a good teacher, how to teach, how to manage the classroom condition, how to deliver a material with a good method and new experience about how to interact with the new people. Philippines culture also becomes a new thing that we got, about the food, vehicles, culture, places, and any other.

Challenges of the Practicums

What's really challenging here is about the language, teaching method, and culture shock. This is my first time to do a teaching practice in a school, even more in the different country, with different language and different culture. 

Overall Impression

I am very happy to be a part of SEA-Teacher batch 6. I can gain a lot of experiences, learn new culture, new family, and an un-forgot-able memories.

Suggestion for Future Improvements

I hope that the receiving universities can improving the accomodation of transportation. Because, it is very difficult for us (SEA-Teacher participants) if we want to go somewhere by our self in a new country, just by using our braveness and the Gmaps.



The first thing that I have to do is creating a lesson plan. And then, in the classroom, I am following the activity list on my lesson plan. Start from the daily routines (pray,checking attendant, checking the tidy-ness of the class room), and then give some motivation to the students, integrating some moral value related to the physics concepts, and then I will explain the goals of the lesson to the students.

As my core activities, I will start by reviewing last topic, setting the students base-knowledge, discuss new topic, asking several questions related with today’s topic, link it back with the last topic, problem solving, resuming today’s activity, integrating the moral value again, and then give evaluation, give homework for the students, and ends the meeting of the day by praying together. I am not only teaching in the classroom, but also in a lab experiments. 

I taught about magnetism, start from Current carrying wire, and then electromagnetism, and the last topic is Electric motor. You can see my daily lesson plan here! Lesson Plan Current Carrying Wire  for my lab activity stages, you can see it here!

Time Management and Organizing Activity

Learning Stage
Time Allocation
1.      Daily Routines
2.      Motivation
3.      Value Integration
4.      Explain the goals of the lesson
Core activities

1.      Reviewing last topic
2.      Setting the students base-knowledge.
3.      Disscuss new topic
4.      Asking several questions related with today’s topic
5.      Link it back with the last topic
6.      Problem solving
7.      Resuming today’s activity.
8.      Value Integration

1.      Give Evaluation
2.      Teacher give homework for the students.
3.      Teacher ends the meeting of the day


For one lesson plan, I have 75 minutes per teaching. I have taught for about 6 times including my grand teaching demonstration. So I have taught for about 450 minutes. Every management of the time, I always consult it to my mentor. Because sometimes, the real teaching will be different with what have been planed. It can be happened,  because sometimes the teacher before us got overtime, or the students just got a P.E. Lesson, so they need extra time to change their uniform.

Problem Solving

Different language become a big problem for me. On delivering Physics concepts, which is, the subject itself is usually hard to understand by the students even if delivered using their own language, and now, they have to understand the concept using English. So sometimes there's a little misunderstanding between what I mean, with what they're understand. But, my mentor usually give an explanation using Filipino Language,so that the students can understand what I mean. 

Classroom Management

To make sure that the students are focus with the topic of the day, sometimes I randomly asks the students about the topic of the day. Sometimes I also walking around the classroom, so that the students will keep their attention on me. And after I am delivering material for about 15 minutes, I will give them some activity that make them interesting, such as group activity, game, and any other. 


Planning for Teaching

My mentor, as the physics teacher that I observed, prepared a teaching plan for one chapter. Then prepare a daily plan prepared within 1-2 days before teaching, referring to the teaching plan per chapter that has been made. After the lesson plan's created, then the teacher creates a media related to their topic, it can be a module, power point presentation, and any other. 

Preparing Lessons and Materials

Every day before going to class, my mentor prepares all the materials to be used, ranging from videos, tools for simulation, and also examines his teaching plans before teaching so that he can teach as best as possible. Mr. Sandoval always start the class by recalling the last material, and then he is always stimulate the students spirit to learn today's material by giving praise for those who can explain. Furthermore, the material delivered by related it with the daily lives, so that the students will be easier on learning the material.

Teaching in Class Room

The teacher starts the class with a prayer and checks the attendance of students, gives greetings, then reviews the previous topic. The teacher is very disciplined with his students. In teaching, he always pays attention to students’s focus. If someone is out of focus, he always tries to restore the focus of the student by asking various concepts related to today’s lesson. Then, to make students understand the concept being taught, the teacher always asks students to read important concepts with a loud voices together. He believe that with this (repetition) method, students will be easier to understand the concept.

My Mentor when Taught the Students
Situation in the class room

Measurement and Evaluations

The teacher always gives exercises such as evaluation activities, quiz bee, etc. after one topic is finished to be discussed. At the end of the topic, the teacher always provides some questions to test the students understanding. In addition there are also assessments of the results of group work, assignments, and projects.



The School's follow curriculum from Philippines Education's Department, it is K to 12 curriculum, here there are six grades for elementary, four grades for junior high school, and two grades for senior high school. But, since the UST Junior High School is a private school, they are a little modifying the concepts from the government, like the distribution of the subject matter. The UST Junior High School used the Brain Based Learning concepts which is based on the function and structure of the human brain.

Teaching Plan (Science Subject)

Before teaching, I was required to make Lesson plans. So, the learning can be carried out in a structured manner. I created my lesson plan with the guidance from my mentor, Mr. Sandoval, who was very diligent and patient in teaching and giving directions to me. The format of lesson plan itself is very different with the format that used in Indonesia, so I have to work a little harder to create my own lesson plan. Here is the example of my lesson plan.

You can click it here to see my complete Brain Based Learning Plan.


Teaching methods

Mr. John Raymond S. Sandoval, He is my Mentor and also a physics teacher. Based on my observations, he is a teacher with good teaching methods, with his expressive expression as if emphasizing discipline for his students. He always teaches with a loud voice, always monitors student's focus, and to ensure whether students understand the material or not, my mentor always asks students to read important concepts loudly and repeat it. He believes that by reading aloud and repeating, students will understand what they are reading. He always related the physics concepts to the daily lives of the students. The material presented was easily accepted.
Situation in the class room

Learning Material and Innovation

Along of learning activity in the class room, students and teacher are using a book that has been standardized by the Education Department. Students bring their own book for their learning in the class room. But sometimes, they just pay attention to the Power point that provided by the teacher as their learning media. 

Sources of Learning and Technology

Along of the learning activity in the classroom, the teacher has their own module or handbook. On delivering the material, teacher usually using a power point presentation, including videos, pictures, and etc. Beside it, sometimes they are using a Tablet as their another learning resources. 
One of learning resource and material

Authentic Assessment

Based on my observations for assessment, the teacher usually displays questions on the projector. The questions usualy in the form of true or false choices, essays and multiple choices. Students will work on their workbooks or on a piece of paper. But sometimes, teacher also give a formative or summative test. Students can work on their groups or individually. Here is examples of summative assessment on magnetism topic.



In this occasion, I will tell you about my practicum school along of my stay in Philippines, the UST Junior High School. Well, I got a lot of information about the UST Junior High School during the School Welcoming Party and Observation. Still you remember Mr. Vincent? The one who picked us in the airport? In this welcoming party in the UST Junior High School, He is also the one who welcoming us. 

During the welcoming party, we are introduced with the general profile of the school, a few activities in the school, and also met with our mentors. Mr. John Raymond S. Sandoval, He is the one who will be my Mentor. In the welcoming party, there's special performance from 'Glee Club' of the UST Junior High School's Students. They are singing, acting, and I think it is similar with musical drama, and they spreading some white roses, and I also got some white roses. If I am not mistake, White roses mean a friendship symbol.
Me and My Mentor (my left side) and the Science's Teacher (My right side)

Well, after the welcoming party, we got a little tour around the school. We are walking inside the school, exploring the facilities in every floors, and the teacher who guided us also told us the information about the rooms or facilities.

Some information that I got during the orientation and observations, are noted bellow :

School Profile

The UST Junior High School was founded in 1928. It is located in Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. More precisely, it is located at Benavides Building University of Santo Tomas. It is one of the high school departments of the University of Santo Tomas (UST).  

The UST Junior High School, adhering to the mission and vision of the University of which it is a part, envisions itself in the next five years to live up to its vocation as a Christian, Catholic, evangelizing, Filipino and educational community, with its tradition of excellence involving its academic and non-academic staff, dedicated to the holistic formation of its students in the secondary level in competence, commitment, and compassion.
The UST Junior High School, proud of its tradition and conscious of its role to share in the mission of the University of Santo Tomas, under the inspiration and patronage of its model St. Thomas Aquinas, affirms and avows its commitment to the cause of education in the secondary level, and to the formation of our students in the Faith for the purpose of preparing them for tertiary education, being molded as true Thomasians and becoming responsible citizens dedicated to the service of God, the country, and the whole world.

Teaching System

UST Junior High School has only one level of education, Junior High School level, which starts from 7th grade to 10th grade. The classes that I used as practicum objects are 10th grade students, precisely in St. Damian. The UST Junior School using the Brain Based Learning System.

Time per lesson hour for each day is adjusted for each segment. 1 hour of study lasts for 25 minutes. For Physics subjects, one meeting lasts for 3 hours (3x25 minutes). The school's start at 07.00 a.m., and ends at 4 p.m., but some classes has extension time, which is start from 04.00 p.m. until 5.30 p.m. 

Academic Support System

 Some facilities that provided in the UST Junior High School are:
  • Library
  • PE Room
  • 2 Audio-visual Rooms
  • Benavides Auditorium
  • Canteen
  • Multi-Purpose Room
  • Prayer Room
  • Music Room
  • Drafting Room
  • Computer Rooms (3) with Internet service
  • Physics and Chemistry Laboratories (2)
  • Air-conditioned classrooms
  • Livelihood Education Function Rooms
  • Student Council Office
  • UST CAT Headquarters
  • The Aquinian Publishing Room/Office
Here are several photos of the facilities of UST Junior High School

UST Junior High School's Class room

Class Room

Laboratory 1

Laboratory 2
Benavides Auditorium


The School's follow curriculum from Philippines Education's Department, it is K to 12 curriculum, here there are six grades for elementary, four grades for junior high school, and two grades for senior high school. But, since the UST Junior High School is a private school, they are a little modifying the concepts from the government, like the distribution of the subject matter. The UST Junior High School used the Brain Based Learning concepts which is based on the function and structure of the human brain.

Materials and Other Learning Sources

The sources of learning that used in the UST Junior High School are, printed books and e-books in library, and also other authentic material. they use electronic books stored from their tablets as learning resources. They also uses internet as their resources.

One of learning resource and matterial

Measurements and Evaluation System

In St. Damian, my class for practicum, they are using Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment. 

That is examples of summative assessment on magnetism topic. For full version, you can download it here!

Teaching Plan

The UST Junior High School Using the Brain Based Learning Plan. 
Well, the BBLP itself has several parts. There are :
1. Title. We can write the headline of our topic here
2. Rationale, We have to write the rationale in 3-5 sentences only; includes values integration
3. Content Understanding. In this part, we have to describe/write the following parts:

Content Standards

State learning content areas. Refer to the DepEd curriculum guide; it should include values integration; designers may opt to identify only the applicable topic/s

Performance Standards

State requisite skills.  Refer to the DepEd curriculum guide; designers may opt to identify only the applicable standards

[Bulleted form (arranged accdg. to familiarity, knowledge, understanding and competence order/gradation)]
þ Critical Thinking  q Problem Solving      q Creative Thinking 
Key Concepts

Enumerate terminologies to be used.

Specify all input materials to be used. These will include audio-visual and media resources.
Library reference, journals, website, apps, video

List down all textbooks, journals, web resources and other references in APA format.
Essential Questions

Indicate 2-3 essential questions.  Number each item.; Must be anchored to essential understanding found in the curriculum map and unpacking of standards

4. Strategies for inquiry. We are also completing the following parts:

Inquiry Stimulus

Describe an original and rich problematic situation, intriguing condition or authentic event that would serve as springboard for student engagement. If adopted/adapted, specify the source below.
Inquiry Questions

Formulate at least 5 inquiry questions.

5. Guided Interaction

Learning Support Pedagogies
þ Problem-based Learning            q Project-based Learning
q Case-based Learning                        q Discovery Learning
Instructional Strategies
Direct Instruction

(Indicate the strategy to be employed)
Indirect Instruction

(Indicate the strategy to be employed)
Experiential Learning

(Indicate the strategy to be employed)
Independent Study

(Indicate the strategy to be employed)
Interactive Instruction

(Indicate the strategy to be employed)
Teaching-Learning Episodes

Describe in bulleted form the major activities to be undertaken as you scaffold student learning. At the end of each bulleted item, indicate the specific strategy used for the purpose.  Make sure the activities match those indicated in the instructional strategies section.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Inquiry Questions

Develop questions using the SAFE classification model.

One question per category, per day
Setting the Knowledge Base

(Type your questions here)

Analyzing the New Knowledge

(Type your questions here)

Focusing the New Knowledge

(Type your questions here)

Evaluating the New Knowledge

(Type your questions here)

6. Metacognitif Development and Assessment.
Assessment Tools

Written Work (WW):

This will include unit tests and written outputs such as book/article reviews; essays; journals; letter writing; reaction/reflection papers; reports; data recording/analyses; graphs charts or maps; problem sets; surveys; concept maps; laboratory reports and documentations; news writing; article reviews; research papers; work designs and plans.  Attach developed assessment documents containing directions and details, and rubrics.

Include what is applicable
Performance Task (PeTa):

A performance task yields a tangible product or performance that serve as evidence of learning.  It may include skills demonstration, group presentations, oral work, multimedia presentations and research projects. Attach PeTa details and rubrics/checklists.
Include mini-task

Quarterly Assessment (QA):

This is given at the end of the quarter.  It synthesizes knowledge, skills and values learned in an entire quarter. Attach copy of QA with table of specifications and key to corrections.
Metacognitive Extension

Give details as to how learning is transferred from one setting, problem or performance situation to another. Students must be able to extend what they have learned in one context to new contexts. You may come up with metacognitive extension questions. This may included synthesis

Cross-Disciplinary Applications

Describe how the subject content and other learning areas are integrated. Based on VAM and HAM

7. Signature and Submission date

Here I attach a format of lesson plan from my mentor that used in the UST Junior High School.

You can see/download the format of BRAIN-BASED Lesson Plan here!

You can see my Lesson Plan for teaching HERE!