Thursday, November 8, 2018


Planning for Teaching

My mentor, as the physics teacher that I observed, prepared a teaching plan for one chapter. Then prepare a daily plan prepared within 1-2 days before teaching, referring to the teaching plan per chapter that has been made. After the lesson plan's created, then the teacher creates a media related to their topic, it can be a module, power point presentation, and any other. 

Preparing Lessons and Materials

Every day before going to class, my mentor prepares all the materials to be used, ranging from videos, tools for simulation, and also examines his teaching plans before teaching so that he can teach as best as possible. Mr. Sandoval always start the class by recalling the last material, and then he is always stimulate the students spirit to learn today's material by giving praise for those who can explain. Furthermore, the material delivered by related it with the daily lives, so that the students will be easier on learning the material.

Teaching in Class Room

The teacher starts the class with a prayer and checks the attendance of students, gives greetings, then reviews the previous topic. The teacher is very disciplined with his students. In teaching, he always pays attention to students’s focus. If someone is out of focus, he always tries to restore the focus of the student by asking various concepts related to today’s lesson. Then, to make students understand the concept being taught, the teacher always asks students to read important concepts with a loud voices together. He believe that with this (repetition) method, students will be easier to understand the concept.

My Mentor when Taught the Students
Situation in the class room

Measurement and Evaluations

The teacher always gives exercises such as evaluation activities, quiz bee, etc. after one topic is finished to be discussed. At the end of the topic, the teacher always provides some questions to test the students understanding. In addition there are also assessments of the results of group work, assignments, and projects.

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